Anuoluwapo Olowombi is BOG Person of Q4 2024

Anu is the Corporate Communications and Branding officer. She rose above other nominees for the coveted award for Q4 2024.
Anu has proven that it is sometimes not how long, but how well. Despite having no time at all to ‘settle’ having joined BOG at the peak of the Evolution commissioning planning, she threw herself in and achieved what may take some years to.
Whilst her limited time means loyalty and commitment to BOG cannot yet be fully assessed, the signs are very positive indeed. Anu committed herself to various tasks and was instrumental in the success we achieved with the planning and execution Project Evolution commissioning. From working with the CEO through designs, selection, backdrops and roll-ups, through coordinating interviews and interfacing with vendors for photography and corporate video, all the way to being the anchor with the event planner, Anu was exemplary. She demonstrated good leadership skills and showed willingness to take on responsibility.
Her introduction of a software to do in-house design during our countdown to the commissioning demonstrated creativity and improvements to existing processes.
Her lively presence on our social media pages cannot be ignored as evidenced by the various engaging posts and responses from numerous ‘followers’, especially on LinkedIn. Her contribution to our Newsletter has been significant, and she took ownership barely a month into her role. The NAPE conference is another case in point. Anu’s commitment to the conference was evident. Although visibly struggling with fever, she was at work to ensure the needful was done and made herself available even when obviously struggling, refusing to go home even when told to do so. Even when things changed unexpectedly, be that with the expectations of our backdrop placement or attendance at the award night, Anu showed notable adaptability to changes.
The speed with which she has become the ‘go to person’ for branding and communications in BOG is testament to her temperament, skills and interpersonal skills.