What the Technical Partner does
Milton Roy is part of the Accudyne Industries which is made up of Milton Roy, Sundyne and Sulliar. Milton Roy is based in Pont St. Pierre, France, with other factories in Samoreau, France (Mixing/Agitator factory), the United States of America (USA), China and India. The company has over 2000 staff with about 374 in sales.
Relationship with BOG
The relationship between BOG and Milton Roy became official about 7 years ago when BOG was designated as the sole representative/agent of Milton Roy. BOG and Milton Roy have a channel partner distributorship agreement which makes BOG the sole representative of Milton Roy products and brands in the Nigerian Oil and Gas sector.
The Benefits of the relationship
Over the years, we have witnessed an increase in the number of Milton Roy pumps sold to various companies in Nigeria. Milton Roy is happy with the growth in sales. BOG has benefitted as revenue has also increased arising from increase in sales of Milton Roy products . Aside the financial gains, there has been transfer of technical knowledge from the manufacturer to BOG staff members who interface with these products, adding value to the local content development strides of BOG.
Products and Services
Below are the various brands and products associated with Milton Roy.
• Dosapro Milton Roy – Electrically driven dosing pumps and packages
• LMI Pumps – Solenoid driven dosing pumps and skids.
• Williams Milton Roy – Pneumatically driven dosing pumps and packages
• Milton Roy Mixing – Electrically driven top, side, bottom entry and floating mixers and agitators.
Aside the engineering and production of these products, they also support with the production of spare parts for these products and aftermarket support which involves commissioning and repair of these products.
Recently, BOG handled the start up and commissioning of Milton Roy chemical injection packages at Niger dock. We also have a Rotating Equipment Service Workshop in Port Harcourt for repair services and subsequent installation on clients’ facilities. Our team of field service engineers and product specialists have in-depth knowledge and experience on pumps and compressors.
Latest Innovations
Milton Roy is currently looking at developing spare parts with materials that can be compatible with multiple class of chemicals to be able to give end users the liberty to change spare parts for various pumping applications. Recently, she has made a bold move in the water treatment sector of Nigeria by going into partnership with BOG to stock standard equipment which comprises pumps, agitators and tanks. This is a move to develop the water treatment sector of Nigeria.
Dealing with Current Economic Realities
Milton Roy is looking at the possibility of BOG as a local partner fabricating chemical dosing skids in Nigeria This will build up local content capability and also reduce package prices. The OEM has also been able to model its production processes to ensure it remains competitive amongst similar and competing products and markets across the globe.
Standards and Quality
Milton Roy products pass through quality control checks and are built to international standards.
New Technologies
In her quest to become a world leader in the manufacture of dosing pumps, Milton Roy has developed the following products;
• PrimeRoyalX pump, which can perform at a capacity of over 1340L/H at pressure rating of 20,000PSI. First of its kind in the industry.
• The double diaphragm leak detector system for the dosing pumps.
• Mechanical seal failure detector system for her side entry mixers.
• The Turboxal floating mixer.
New Applications
The Global MROY pumps are gradually replacing the previous Milton Roy MROY pumps that are being phased out.