BOG’s Well Testing Team members and equipment mobilized to the Odidi Swamp Field for the provision of maximum efficiency rate (MER) well testing services to Neconde Energy Limited in November 2018.


This operation is yet another well testing operation BOG is carrying out for Neconde as BOG has become the client’s preference for Well Testing operations.


The scope of the project is to run maximum efficiency rate (MER) test on all flowing wells in Neconde Odidi Field for production optimization. The first well testing campaign was carried out a year ago and the campaign ended on a good note with quality data that helped Neconde Energy optimize its production.


Neconde Odidi Field is one of the 7 fields under OML 42 and it is located in West Delta, South South Nigeria. The field was developed by a joint venture between Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). SPDC later divested its 45 per cent interest to Neconde Energy Limited, while the remaining 55% interest belonging to the NNPC, was assigned to the Nigeria Petroleum Development Company (NPDC), an exploration and production subsidiary of the NNPC. Odidi field is now a joint venture between Neconde Energy and NPDC.


A total of 28 wells are to be tested in this ongoing campaign.

BOG Well Testing engineers rigging up the Multiphase Flow Metre (MPFM) to the well head


A BOG Well Testing engineer closing one of the flow line valves

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