Five (5) BOG personnel were deployed to Agbami FPSO to carry out modifications on 14 inches Glassfibre Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) lines. The lines are part of the Minox 1 and 2 Ugrade.
Minox is part of the liquid treatment facility/system put in place on production platforms to process water from sea water and lift pump line to remove dissolved oxygen in the water to appreciable level suitable for injection into the reservoir in order to boost the reservoir pressure for optimal production of crude oil. One of the characteristics of a producing reservoir is gradual reservoir pressure drop.
The reservoir in Agbami is vulnerable, hence, the need for a Minox upgrade and Chevron embarking on drilling four (two water wells for injection and two oil wells for production) wells to achieve maximum crude oil production.
BOG was involved in carrying out detailed engineering design to modify the 14” GRE lines in order for them to accommodate the new Minox water piping arrangement/design. Eight (8) spools were fabricated and installed on both trains. Some repairs were made on 18 inches X ¾ bushing saddles and 10 inches lines by lamination.
Furthermore, due to the vibration on the Minox FRP lines and chalking resulting from ultraviolet (UV) radiation effect on the FRP piping, BOG recommended and laminated the lines to reinforce all bonded joints and restore chalked top coat.
A BOG engineer during the fabrication works
Fabricated and connected lines
A BOG engineer during the installation and fabrication of GRE lines
Above and below: Tightening of joints