The Escravos Gas Project Phase 3B (EGP 3B) is part of the Western Delta Gas Development Programme. It is intended to continue Chevron Nigeria’s current gas flaring reduction gathering and compressing the Associated Gas (AG) from the North Offshore Area (NOA) and Delta and Tapa Production Platforms in the South Offshore Area (SOA), and delivering the AG to the onshore Escravos Gas Plant for further processing and distribution.
Domestic Gas Supply Obligation (DSO) Project scope includes the design, fabrication and installation of one offshore Non Associated Gas (NAG) Wellhead Platform (NWP) with a bridge connected to Living Quarters Platform (LQP) in the SONAM Field and a new subsea pipeline. The SONAM NAG is a twelve slot wellhead platform located in about 200 ft. water depth. Gas and liquid produced from the platform shall be gathered into a single manifold and bulk flowed to OKAN NWP via a single pipeline.
BOG handled the installation of the entire GRE scope of the project and has delivered the project. The scope involved three major areas – Sonam NWP (a production platform), the Living Quarters Platform (LQP) and the interconnecting bridge between the two platforms. The GRE pipes are mainly for potable water, firefighting and deluge systems. They run through the decks of the platforms from jacket, sub-cellar to cellar and main decks. It is a massive and a very complex piping network; by far the biggest project undertaken by any indigenous contractor in GRE space till date.
More than 600 spools were installed on the platforms which have about 22 hydrotest packages – 11 for LQP, one for Bridge, and 10 for NWP. A total of 11 BOG personnel carried out the work.
First mobilization lasted for 41 days while second mobilization lasted for 127 days. Every spool was confirmed okay by a series of rigorous hydrostatic test processes. The hydrotest activities were conducted package-wise and each package was signed-off by HHI and Chevron Nigeria to show a proof of completion and approval.
At every phase the project team ensured execution was carried out in line with our customer’s quality and cost expectations. Project resources were monitored and controlled to reduce waste and improve speed of delivery.
The project was wrapped up without Lost Time Injury (LTI). The project is massive; it contains complex piping networks that will dazzle any piping and construction engineer. BOG delivered and handed over every phase of the project with a touch of class.